Orchestra & Jazz Band

Beginning Strings is a beginning orchestra class, in which students will have the opportunity to learn how to play violin, viola, cello, or bass. The class is the foundation of a three-year program that students will have the opportunity to continue in seventh and eighth grade. Which instrument a student is assigned to is a joint decision between student and teacher, depending on the instrumentation of the class. Before playing begins, all students will learn about the families of instruments and basic musical concepts. Throughout the year, in addition to learning how to play their instrument, students will learn to read and write notes and rhythms, to critically evaluate musical performances, and to conduct themselves professionally on stage. The class will culminate in an evening concert each semester, showcasing the student’s mastery of first year strings repertoire and performance practices. This class is also appropriate for incoming 6th graders that have private lesson experience, as they will receive more advanced instruction tailored to their skill level. Students in the 7th grade and 8th grade may join this course if their schedule permits.
This class is the second level course in the three-year strings program at Walter Reed. This year will be a more intensive step forward from beginning strings, as we will perform more comprehensive and technically advanced repertoire. Performances include four evening concerts and a local instructional festival. Prerequisites: beginning strings, or at least 1 year of private lessons, or by audition.
This class is the highest-level course in the three-year strings program at Walter Reed. This class is an intensive step forward from seventh grade, as the students will perform a more comprehensive and technically challenging repertoire. Students must uphold excellent behavior and performance standards in order to remain in this advanced class. Performances include 4 evening concerts, one local district instructional festival and a four-day overnight trip to San Francisco. Prerequisites: 7th grade string orchestra, or at least two years of private lessons, or by audition.
This is the first year class in our two year jazz program. Students will learn first year jazz big band repertoire. Students will learn how to improvise on basic chord progressions. This class participates in jazz festivals, as well as five school concerts. Prerequisites: Must be concurrently enrolled in either String Orchestra/Concert Band and zero period PE. By audition only. This class is primarily for students in 7th grade.
This is the second year class in our two year jazz program. Students will learn second year advanced jazz big band repertoire. Students will learn how to improvise on more advanced chord progressions. This class participates in multiple jazz festivals, as well as five school concerts. Prerequisites: Must be concurrently enrolled in either Chamber Orchestra/Wind Ensemble and zero period PE. By audition only. This class is primarily for students in 8th grade.