Copy of Club Fundraiser to Benefit Animal Shelter! The Fight for What's Right Club will be selling dog treats, cat treats and HUMAN treats after school on Feb. 12 out front. Bring your dollars to help support BEST FRIENDS animal society. Help us make the world a better place!
PARENT WORKSHOPS! FINDING BALANCE AS PARENTS - Discover and learn how to balance the demands of work, family and self - care. Multiple dates in February!
Club Fundraiser to Benefit Animal Shelter! The Fight for What's Right Club will be selling dog treats, cat treats and HUMAN treats after school on Feb. 12 out front. Bring your dollars to help support BEST FRIENDS animal society. Help us make the world a better place!
Attendance Celebration! We have an upcoming On-Track Celebration where we will be acknowledging all students meeting attendance and academic requirements.
We Are One - Resources for Families Information on your rights, resilience in uncertain times, school enrollment, physical and mental health and wellness, family preparedness, Red Cards, and immigration legal services.
Happy 100th Day of School/Spirit Day (Disney Day) -100th Day of School Friday, January 31, 2025, marks the 100th Day of school. Let's celebrate all the attendance and academic goals as of this milestone! See flyer for details!@lausd_pupilservices @regionnorthpsa
This week Reed is participating in The Great Kindness Challenge. One moment can change your day. What can it do for others? Be sure to participate in the daily activities, because it's cool to be kind. Also, ONE of the days will earn you spirit points if you participate in your homeroom activity... be on the lookout for your homeroom rep.
Do you like playing giant field games? Cornhole, giant Connect 4, and giant Jenga will be set up during lunch. This will be offered THE LAST FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH. The first Friday will be Friday January 31st! If you would like to participate, please sign up by clicking the above link. Bonus: Each participant will earn a spirit point for their academy.
Let's celebrate all the attendance and academic goals that we have achieved on this MAGICAL 100th day by wearing any Disney attire or accessories! All students present on this day will be entered in a drawing to win prizes from our PSA counselor, Ms. Welch.
8th Grade Meeting - Be a Part of the Festivities Wednesday, January 22, 8:00 pm Via ZoomMEETING ID: 811 88613832