Black Student Achievement Plan (BSAP)

What is BSAP?
The Black Student Achievement Program (BSAP) is an LAUSD program to support Black students' road to high academic performance, strong social-emotional awareness and management, and a positive cultural identity.
The BSAP addresses the need for culturally responsive curriculum and instruction as the classroom norm, fosters partnerships with community based organizations with proven track records of success within the Black community, and provides increased staffing support to address the academic and social-emotional needs of Black students.
BSAP at Reed MS?
Our Black Student Achievement Plan was developed by our Reed BSAP committee, students, parents, staff, after examining data and soliciting feedback through a bilingual survey for all stakeholders. Students provided input through Black Student Union meetings.
Reed MS BSAP Programs:
BSAP at Reed is a continually evolving program, responsive to the needs of our students and families.
Here are just a few highlights from the 2022-2023 school year:
- Black Student Union / Black Student Alliance meetings explored relevant topics, build community, and provide mentorship opportunities;
- Field trips, including to the Nutcracker and School Yard Rap’s Our Story Musical;
- Assembly programs, like the Schoolyard Rap meet and greet;
- Classroom support, such as ordering posters for all the classrooms, so African American students see people like them in every content area, including the enrichment courses;
- Multicultural Fair booth featuring products from Black owned businesses, artists and QR codes to learn more;
- HBCU sweatshirt giveaway to increase student knowledge and interest in historically Black colleges and universities;
- Parent & family engagement through the Black Parent newsletter and hosting a parent meet & greet;
- BSU student read a poem by Amanda Gorman for National Poetry Day;
- Black History Month chalk the walk;
- Schoolwide African American Inventor Contest;
- Learned About Being Fearless via Allyson Felix;
- Participating in the Community Resource Fair at North Hollywood High School;
- Participating in after-school enrichment programs like Well Suited (a mentorship program) and
New Flight (a Marketing & Advertising Intensive).

Historical context and LAUSD:
The Black Student Achievement Plan (BSAP) was approved by the LAUSD Board of Education in February of the 2020-21 school year. It addresses longstanding disparities in educational outcomes between Black students and their non-Black peers. Outcomes for Black students and their communities continue to fall below district and national averages of their non-Black counterparts.
Focus areas:
- Infused Culturally & Linguistically Responsive Teaching
- Community partnerships
- Implicit Bias and Anti-Racist Professional Development for teachers, leadership and staff

BSAP Mantra:
"Successful Black student achievement is defined by high academic performance, strong social-emotional awareness and management, and positive cultural identity. Furthermore, strategies and methods utilized to cultivate these things shall be directly responsive to the unique needs of Black students due in large part to the historic and ongoing social and economic conditions experienced by Black people."
- Dr. George McKenna, LAUSD Board of Education, District 1

Black Student Success Measures:
- Every student has an advocate
- Increase access to mental and social-emotional health resources
- Increase favorable school experience survey responses
- Access to culturally responsive curriculum and pedagogy
- Decrease discipline rates
- Increase levels of parent and family engagement
- Increase participation in extracurricular activities at school
- Increase community organization presence

Program Goals:
- Increase levels of parent and family engagement
- Increase participation in extracurricular activities at school
- Increase presence of community organizations on campus
Academic Achievement
- Graduation rate increase
- Attendance and chronic absenteeism rate decrease
- Increase enrollment in Advanced Placement and honors courses
- Increase proficiency in Math and ELA/English
- Increase number of students on track in A-G requirements
- Increase number of students at or above benchmark in literacy skills
- Decrease 1st time referrals for special education services
School Experience and Support
- Every student has an advocate
- Increase access to mental and social-emotional health resources
- Increase favorable school experience survey responses
- Access to culturally responsive curriculum and pedagogy
- Decrease discipline rates (arrests, suspensions, referrals)
- Elimination of policies and practices that contribute to school to prison pipeline