Counseling Office
Through a comprehensive developmental school counseling program, counselors work as a team member with school staff, parents, and the community to create a caring, supportive climate whereby young adolescents can achieve academic success. Middle school counselors enhance the learning process and promote academic achievement. School counseling programs are essential for students to achieve optimal personal growth, acquire positive social skills and values, set appropriate career goals and realize full academic potential to become productive contributing members of today’s society. The professional middle school counselor holds a Master’s Degree and required state certification in school counseling. Maintaining certification includes ongoing professional development to stay current with educational reform and challenges facing today’s students.The Walter Reed Counseling department has been awarded the Support Personnel Accountability Report Card (S.P.A.R.C. Award) for school years 2001 through 2009 in recognition for their outstanding service in the areas of College Career Readiness, Academic, and Social Emotional domains by the Los Angeles County Office of Education.
The Counseling department provides:
- Individual and group counseling (College Career Readiness, Academic, and Social Emotional)
- Creating student’s schedules based on academic need.
- Articulation from elementary to middle school (6th grade orientation) and matriculation into high school.
- Career / College Fair
- Classroom visitations
- 8th grade mandatory parent meeting regarding culmination requirement
- Plan and facilitate culmination eligibility fun days and awards night for 8th grade.
- Individual Graduation Plans with all students and parents.
- Coordination of Student Support Progress Team (SSPT) and Individual Education Plans (IEP)
- Coordinate with outside referral agencies for family / student support
Tips for Success: Student Tips
- 6th Grade: Mr. Marshall 818-487-7638 [email protected]
- 7th Grade: Ms. De Avila 818-487-7637 [email protected]
- 8th Grade: Ms. Hernandez 818-487-7618 [email protected]
- SLC Counselor/ Incoming students: Ms. Rivera 818-487-7634 [email protected]
- Assistant Principal of Secondary Counseling Services (APSCS): Mr. Segura 818-487-7619 [email protected]
Please note that the counselors do not have voicemail and are often in and out of the Office. We want to make sure you can get in touch with us, so please leave a message with the Main Office and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We encourage all families to contact us through email for a quicker response. Thank you.