Attendance Office » Attendance Office

Attendance Office


All students must return with a note after a full day / partial day of absence. This must be turned in to the Attendance Office before class begins, including all doctor’s notes. The Attendance Office opens at 7:30 AM. All notes must include:

  1. Student Last Name, First Name
  2. Birth Date
  3. Date of Absence
  4. Reason
  5. Grade
  6. Parent Signature

Please do not call or send an email.

You may get an absence form in the Attendance Office, or send your child with a note when they return to school.

If you have any questions regarding clearing absences please contact: [email protected] or contact our PSA Ms. Williams at [email protected]

Re-Admission to School

A student's return to school following a serious or prolonged illness, injury, surgery, or other hospitalization (including psychiatric and drug or alcohol inpatient treatment) must have written permission by the health care provider to attend school, including any recommendations regarding physical activity. Students returning to school following a serious communicable disease exclusion may need additional clearance for re-admission.

A student returning to school with sutures, “ace” bandages, slings, casts, crutches, splints/braces, canes/walker or a wheelchair must have a physician’s written permission to attend school and must comply with any safety procedures required by the school administration and health services personnel.

New Tardy Policy

On-Time Students Are Successful Students. Student attendance is one of the most common predictors of academic achievement. Students who consistently miss school hours develop habits that will lead into their adult life, affecting their education, career, and social connections.

The Tardy Counseling information is as follows:

  • Students may serve a tardy counseling session on Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays.  They may choose which day to attend, no sign up necessary.  Please choose a day that works for you and your student.  The Tardy Counseling does NOT need to be served the day it was assigned.
  • Tardy Counseling will be held in the auditorium. 
  • Tardy Counseling is from 3:15pm – 3:45pm.
  • Students who have 3 tardies will automatically be assigned a Tardy Counseling slip.
  • Every tardy after 3, will earn the student an additional Tardy Counseling.
  • You may receive a letter in the mail regarding your student’s tardies and Tardy Counseling assigned to them.
  • Students have 2 weeks to attend Tardy Counseling to clear it.  If they do not attend within 2 weeks, they may receive a discipline referral and will not be eligible to participate in school sponsored activities such as culmination.
  • A Star Wolf card will give a Tardy Counseling credit.

Please discuss with your student the importance of being on time to each class, every day, and thank you for your commitment to attendance!

If you have any questions, please reach out to Ms. Williams, PSA at [email protected]
