Attendance Office » The Importance of Attendance & Punctuality

The Importance of Attendance & Punctuality

How do attendance and punctuality impact and or predict student success?

On Time Students Are Successful Students. Student attendance is one of the most common predictors of academic achievement. Students who consistently miss school hours develop habits that will lead into their adult life, affecting their education, career, and social connections.

You can support excellent attendance at home by:

    • Ensuring your child gets enough sleep
    • Ensuring your child gets a nutritious breakfast each day
    • Helping your child develop a positive attitude toward school, learning, and encouraging them to participate in school activities
    • Explaining Compulsory Education - by law, all students must attend school daily and on time
    • Teaching the benefits of good attendance and consequences of poor attendance
    • Creating backup systems (alternative plans for getting to and from school)
    • Creating morning and evening routines
    •  Posting school calendars, school attendance policy, and schedules in a visible place
    •  Ensuring the school has your accurate daytime contact information, including cell phone number and/or e-mail address
    • Notifying school staff if your child has any issues that may be affecting your child’s attendance
    • Notifying school staff if your child suffers from a chronic health condition and how this condition is impacting school attendance
    • Access Parent Portal to monitor your child's attendance at If you need further assistance, contact your child's school.

How to help minimize absences:

  • Plan family vacations for non-school days only
  • Schedule non-emergency medical and dental appointments after school hours on weekends or during your child’s vacation
  • If the appointment must be during school hours, please have your child attend school prior to the appointment and/or return to school after the appointment to complete the school day
  • Communicate often with your child’s teachers and request assignments missed during absences
  • Parents, please provide a note for every absence, tardy, and early leave. We do not accept phone calls, or emails to excuse absences.
“By 6th grade, chronic absence becomes a leading indicator that a student will drop out of high school.” - Attendance Works
“Absences add up! Missing just 2 days a month means a child misses 10% of the school year.” – Attendance Counts