Individualized Honors Program » Individualized Honors Program

Individualized Honors Program

Welcome to the Individualized Honors Program (IHP)!

 The IHP is the oldest continuous program for Highly Gifted students in LAUSD (founded 1970). This SLC is designed for the unique needs of Highly Gifted students and offers challenges not generally offered in an honors level middle school course of study. Students are expected to demonstrate readiness to tackle a rigorous, accelerated, and/or compacted curriculum in ALL academic subjects.
The IHP offers advanced whole-class lecture courses in math classes (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II). Teachers utilize high school and college level material in all core academic classes, and students produce writing pieces far above grade level expectations. IHP students take intellectual risks to go deeper, not just further, in their academic subjects.

Attributes of the IHP students: 

Identified Highly Gifted by LAUSD (or submit evidence to support possible future identification); 
Excel in and look for a rigorous academic environment requiring intellectual risk; 
Read and write well above grade level; 
Are self-motivated and work well independently; 
Demonstrate superior critical thinking skills and advanced logic and problem solving skills; 
Show intellectual curiosity and a thirst for knowledge; and 
Have national percentile achievement test scores 97% – 99% in both English and math (or “Standards Exceeded” SBAC).

Enrichments & More:

IHP students may select from a number of different enrichment opportunities. Click the link for a complete list of enrichments. Field trips, enrichments, and other learning opportunities vary annually, but we are committed to ensuring our students have opportunities to engage in these kinds of hands-on learning experiences. 
Information regarding Application materials enrollment process can also be found on the Enrollment webpage.
Because this is a highly competitive 3-year program, it is our policy to provide teacher recommendations ONLY to 8th grade students applying to high school.
If you missed our Prospective Parent Night, you can view our presentation by clicking the link below
Ms. Rivera, SLC School Counselor
(818) 487-7600
Naomi Kaidin, GATE Coordinator
