Title 1 & English Learners Office » Title 1 & English Learners Office

Title 1 & English Learners Office

The Los Angeles Unified School District provides five different instructional program options tailored to meet the diverse needs of English learners (ELs) and the educational preferences of the parents of ELs
In secondary schools. All five-instructional program options guarantee access to a full curriculum with scaffolds and support for students in grades 6-12 at different levels of English language proficiency.
The ultimate goal for each instructional program option is for ELs to meet performance criteria to reach full proficiency in English in addition to bilingualism and bi-literacy in the dual language program. All students, including ELs, are expected to participate fully in college-preparatory (A-G) courses and to graduate from high school ready for college and careers. In addition, each instructional option ensures that ELs with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate in a program consistent with their Individualized Education Plan (IEP). All instructional program options also allow for equal access to gifted and talented program opportunities and do not exclude ELs based solely on their English language proficiency levels.
Parents/guardians of ELs should be provided multiple opportunities throughout the year to learn about the Master Plan instructional program options. Notification opportunities include, but are not limited to, initial enrollment, parent meetings, orientation meetings, Back-to-School Night, Open House, parent advisory committee meetings, etc. During these opportunities parents/guardians are provided with the Instructional Programs for English Learners Parent Brochure, time to view the Instructional Programs for English Learners video/DVD, and a platform to discuss and ask questions. These opportunities will ensure that parents receive substantial and accurate information to make informed decisions regarding their child’s instructional program placement.

Instructional Programs Brochure


Versión en español del Plan Maestro Para Aprendices del Inglés ahora disponible (2018)
Master Plan Summary  English  | Spanish