Associated Student Body (ASB) » Associated Student Body (ASB)

Associated Student Body (ASB)

Associated Student Body (ASB)

ASB are the student government and leadership class that represents the student body, creates fun and insightful events for students, plans spirit and community building activities, oversees student-raised funds, and much much more!
How to Join:
Walter Reed's ASB meets during Homeroom. Students that are part of ASB are enrolled in a special homeroom class where they meet every morning and plan school activities, fundraisers and events.
Students have the opportunity to run for officer position and/or grade level SLC representatives at the end of the Spring Semester for the following school year. Sixth grade SLC representatives are added at the beginning of the School Year.

Officer Positions include:

President (8th grade Students Only)
Vice President
Public Relations Manager
Social Media Manager

Any questions about ASB?

Please see Ms. Bugyik in room 135 located in the C-Arcade.


Tik Tok @ Reed_Wolves_Asb 
Instagram @ Walter_Reed_Asb
