Enrollment » Prospective Parents

Prospective Parents

Welcome Prospective Parents!

Thank you for your interest in having your child attend Walter Reed Middle School. Reed is a vibrant community of approximately 1580 scholars housed in five Smaller Learning Communities (SLC), each designed to fit the different needs and interests of all kinds of students. All of Reed’s SLCs utilize collaborative cross-curricular assignments with an advanced library research curriculum. Take a moment to browse through the SLC’s we offer here at Reed by clicking on the links below.



An advantage our students have by attending our large and diverse school is that it allows them a variety of enrichment classes, clubs, sports, academic competitions, leadership opportunities and performance venues for all students, regardless of SLC enrollment.


Walter Reed has a large population of LAUSD Gifted and Talented, or GATE identified students, which enables us to offer classes in Geometry and Algebra 2 to students ready to accelerate. 


Here at Reed we are committed to educating all of our students to their maximum potential. Ensuring a good match that places your child in the appropriate learning environment is our primary goal. We know the importance of matching the academic and social opportunities of our Smaller Learning Communities (SLC) with the needs and abilities of your child.


Prospective Parent Schedule for Incoming 2025-2026


Prospective Parent Schedule Announcement


Our schedule for prospective parents is designed to align with the deadlines for permits and applications related to various enrollment pathways. As such, we will be hosting tours, informational Zoom sessions, and presentations in the Fall for all interested families. We strongly encourage all prospective families to participate in these Fall events, particularly if you would like to tour the campus.


In the Spring, families who may have missed the Fall events are invited to join any after-school community events (please refer to the calendar for specific dates) and are also welcome to attend our Open House in April.



OCTOBER 10, 2024 at 5:00pm 



We invite you to attend an event this evening to discover more about our school. You will have the opportunity to tour the campus, meet some of our dedicated academy teachers, and learn about our exceptional smaller learning communities.


This is a wonderful chance for you and your child to explore the campus, find out which academy interests your child, and ask any questions you may have.


The presentation will start promptly at 5:00 PM in the school auditorium, followed by three breakout sessions. You can choose to attend up to three presentations about our Smaller Learning Communities (SLCs).


Future Reed students are welcome to join their parents—no sign-up is required. We look forward to seeing you there!



Join one of our Zoom sessions to explore our smaller learning communities, the different enrollment pathways available, and participate in a Q&A session. This is an excellent opportunity if you missed our Prospective Parent Night or have any questions. ( Translation from English to Spanish will be provided)



SLC Campus School Tour Information

The SLC campus school tour allows you to explore each smaller learning community, which includes the Environmental Science Academy, Humanities Academy, Media Arts and Technology Academy, STEAM Academy, and Individualized Honors Program. During the tour, you will have the chance to see what students are currently learning. Please note that questions and answers will not be available during class time but will be addressed at the end of the tour. 



If you were not able to sign up for a tour, Join one of our informational zoom sessions. See Schedule above.


IHP Campus Tour

An exclusive IHP tour is now available for those interested in visiting IHP classes only. This tour will allow you to explore 6th, 7th, and 8th grade IHP classes, as well as some of our enrichment classes.


If you would like to focus solely on IHP classes and do not wish to visit any other SLC classes, please sign up for this tour using the link below.


Important Note: If you are already registered for an SLC tour, there is no need to sign up for this IHP tour, as the SLC tour includes IHP classes as well.


This is the only scheduled IHP tour, and once we reach capacity, the sign-up/reservation link will close.



Enrollment Pathways information, such as academy placement request form, School of Advanced Studies (SAS) , Individualized Honors Program (IHP) application or permit information can be found here!


Have questions? Please feel free to contact:

Ms. Rivera, SLC School Counselor

818-487-7600 - Main Office


Thank you for choosing Walter Reed Middle School – Home of the Wolves!