Enrollment » School of Residence Enrollment

School of Residence Enrollment

School of Residence Enrollment pathway means your child lives within the WRMS enrollment area. 
Please confirm that Reed MS is your school of residence before proceeding by clicking here
If Reed MS is listed as your middle school of residence, check the chart before for your next steps...
Steps based on type of school your student currently attends:

If your child is currently at an LAUSD school:

If your child does not currently attend an LAUSD school (ex. A private school, non-LAUSD charter, etc.):

Make sure that your address is correct at their current school. This will allow your child to automatically rollover into Reed MS in the Fall. Contact our school office to get information on how to fill out an enrollment packet.
Browse our Reed MS academies Browse our Reed MS academies
Discuss and decide with your child their preferred academies Discuss and decide with your child their preferred academies
Fill out the Academy Placement Preference Request Form (see link below) Fill out the Academy Placement Preference Request Form (see link below)
Provide proof of residence (see guidelines below). Make sure the address provided matches what is listed at your student's elementary school /  in the LAUSD Misis system. Provide proof of residence (see guidelines below). Make sure the address provided matches what is listed in your enrollment packet.

Proof of Residence: 

Please submit one of the following acceptable documents:

  • Utility service contract, bills or payment receipts (Gas, Water, or Electricity)  [Must be full bill, not just envelope or utility tracker]
  • Property taxes, rental or lease agreement [must contain full agreement and all signatures], current rental receipt with address of property on receipt
  • Official government mail (CalWORKS, Social Security, Medi-Cal)
  • Current pay stub
  • Voter registration
Please be sure your proof satisfies ALL the requirements below:
  • Make sure the document is dated within the past 30 days
  • sure the document is in the name of at least one parent/guardian as listed on the Academy Placement Preference Request form response.
  • Include the COMPLETE first page of any bill or statement. You may cover amounts or account numbers, but we need to see the whole page, not just the envelope or return stub.
  • Make sure the address in the document matches the address listed on the Academy Placement Preference Request form, at your child's elementary school and/or in your enrollment packet (if needed).
  • For a lease, make sure it includes all pages, including signature page.

Submit an Academy Placement Preference Request form: Click Here

Note on School for Advanced Studies (SAS/GATE): Students will need to qualify for SAS based on criteria set by LAUSD. Criteria for SAS can be found HERE.
Thank you for choosing Walter Reed Middle School – Home of the Wolves!