School Advisory Committees

School Site Council (SSC) - SSC meets 1 time per month on Monday afternoons at 3:15pm. SSC develops, reviews and evaluates school improvement programs and school categorical budgets. This role is elected for 2 years and we need 3 parents to serve on this committee.
English Learner Advisory Council (ELAC) - ELAC meets 1 time per a month on Wednesday morning at 9:00am. ELAC advises our School Site Council (SSC) on programs and services for English Learner students. We need 4 parents for this committee.
Shared Decision Making Council (SDM) - SDM meets 1 time per month on Monday afternoons at 3:15pm. SDM reviews and develops school policies, the calendar, some budgetary items, and teacher professional development. We need 7 parents for this committee (5 members and 2 alternates).
Black Student Achievement Plan Committee - Reed BSAP committee is comprised of students, parents, staff after examining data and soliciting feedback through a bilingual survey for all stakeholders. Students provided input through Black Student Union meetings. Click here to learn more!
We look forward to all of our parents getting involved and joining #TeamReedMS! If you have any questions, please call the office!